Friday, January 22, 2016

When is a Right not a Right?
By Mike Kendall

Is a theoretical right a real right if 90% of our citizens lack the economic ability to exercise that right?  Most liberal capitalists would say “yes” and all social democrats would say “no.”  This is the fundamental division in the American left.  Its origins go back to the late 19th Century, and the division has grown broader and deeper since 1968-1974.  Both liberal capitalists and social democrats support the same theoretical political and civil rights.  They part company on whether economic opportunity is enough, or economic rights are essential to make the civil rights real.
The social democrats see no rights where the rich man and the poor man have equal rights to sleep under the bridge at night.  Words like “civil rights” and “constitutional rights” are dear to the traditional liberal and socialist alike, but unaccompanied by words like “income equality,”  “guaranteed living wage,” “wealth redistribution,” and “distributive justice” they are an illusion to the thinking of social democrats. Liberal capitalists support the protection and expansion of individual civil rights, but social democrats believe you can’t have meaningful civil rights and if you don’t have relative economic parity and economic justice.   
            There is an example in our own state among the left that illuminates the division.  Liberal capitalists are an enormous part of the LGBT coalition.  They and the social democrats both support amending Indiana’s Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation.  However, the social democrats want the Act greatly strengthened as part of the amendment.  Merely including sexual orientation as a protected category will not provide any more substantive protection to LGBTs, nor raise an economic legal threat against discriminators, because the Indiana Act is toothless.  Merely adding sexual orientation to the Act’s protected categories will be a huge symbolic victory for the LGBT community.  However, it will have no life changing benefit for middle class and less prosperous LGBTs.  Not a single lesbian worker, gay wait staffer, bisexual retailer, or transgender person will be any better off than they are today.  It will only make the left feel good, the right feel bad, and the capitalist managerial class feel relieved.
            There are also examples in our nation.  The Supreme Court is more racially diverse and gender diverse than at any time in its history.  But it is not as jurisprudentially diverse and socially democratic as it was from the 1930’s to the 1970’s.  This summer it is poised to abolish the right of public sector unions to charge non-members money for representing them in collective bargaining about their jobs and terms of their employment, even where they are not charged for union funds spent on political matters.  In fact the union has to work for non-members and members alike to protect their free riders’ employment under the guise of free speech. 
Such a ruling is myopic and class biased.  Virtually the same justices disdain allowing shareholders to ask for money back or dividends awarded for their corporation’s use of the shareholders’ investment for political activity.  The straight-faced rationale—lawyers call it a “factual distinction”—are ‘it's easier to quit and find a new job in protest than it is to sell stock.’  This is a characteristic liberal capitalist position repugnant to every social democrat.  It reflects some justices’ view from Mt. Olympus where they hold life-time jobs, hire and fire at will, and put their investments in blind trusts.
            The left needs to stand for equality and liberty meaningful to those who are not rich.  The left should eschew self-identification with the more cultured, feted, affluent, and sophisticated social strata and class.  Cowboy capitalism’s free-market economics is protected and supported by, and intertwined with this class, in and out of government.       
            The liberal capitalist works very well with the conservative capitalist.    Corporate capitalist interests are advanced by social stability, especially if it produces political and economic acquiesance.  At the end of January, a group of eight U.S. Senators—four Republicans, three Democrats, and one Independent—introduced legislation to slow and complicate regulatory oversight of business and industry by federal agencies such as the Financial Protection Bureau, bank regulators,  and product, investor, environmental, and workplace, safety regulators.   The Democrats were Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), and the “Independent” Angus King, Jr. (I-Ma.). 
            Social democrats believe the right of the LGBT community to invest, buy a home, or have a job is chimerical if the investment, home, job, and pay are unavailable to 90% of the LGBTs.  Such a right for 10% is a wrong for the 90% who lack the economic right to make it real.  Civil rights and economic rights together make Human Rights, the only real rights.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

                  by Teresa Kendall

Poison.  Webster defines it as something such as an idea, emotion or situation that is very harmful. 

Poison has been in the news lately when it was discovered that the public water supply in Flint Michigan had been poisoned by Governor Rick Snyder’s appointees that run the city, decided to switch the water source from lake water from Detroit to river water in Flint.  This heavy-handed administrative policy approved by the Michigan Governor, despite warnings of possible lead poisoning caused by caustic river water, was ignored all for the sake of ideology.  Snyder is one of those reform types of politicians that seem to know what is best for people, provided they are poor and preferably a minority.  Even though he was made aware of the problem in February of 2015, nothing was done to correct the problem despite the cries of numbers of state staffers, the press, along with the Mayor and citizens of Flint.

Rick Snyder finally apologized for the mistake and has declared Flint a “man-made disaster”.  Man-made for the bad ideology based decisions that will take billions of dollars to fix for everything from an entire new water system to the long term care of all of the children who were poisoned- just so a politician could point to his “fiscal responsibility.”

Indiana has its own poison, a man-made disaster that is costing us billions.  Our public education system is being poisoned by the same kind of ideologues – politicians that implement heavy-handed top down mandates based on nothing more than the preferences of their wealthy donors.  The ones poisoning public education stretch from the state house to out of state billionaires looking to make a profit on the tax-payers backs.

The purveyors of this destruction start with Mitch Daniels’ budget cuts to education, and continue on with the Indiana State House Education Committee Chairman Bob Behning who has brought us unlimited private school vouchers that bleed funds from local school districts for students that have never even attended a public school;  and with Dennis Kruse, the Indiana State Senate Education Committee Chairman who along with Behning allowed “reforms” like forgiving loans to charter schools that fail, and changing laws that take away the powers of the elected State Superintendent.  And we can’t forget how much damage Mike Pence has brought to Indiana’s education system by loading the State Board of Education with charter school administrators and relatives of Republican House members, all so he can increase the number of charter schools that can be profit makers for his wealthy donors.  Pence brought the public school destruction to a new level by making ISTEP the “dumpster fire” that has been a complete waste of time and $24 million by insisting that the state continue with a flawed test that is no longer valid and will only brand schools and communities with a failing label that do not deserve. 

There is a long list of elected state officials that are leading the charge to take down our public schools such as Pence, Behning, and Kruse.  But there many Republican legislators along with a few Democrats that are responsible for enabling the destruction.  Legislators that pass laws to allow a private charter school company to take ownership of a public school building for one dollar; representatives that find it acceptable to cut educational funding for public schools, and then take even more from the public education budget to finance private schools.   State Senators that insist the state spend millions on testing but refuse to provide enough funding to allow public school kids to have art and music classes. 

Since Mitch Daniels started his destruction there have been 111 new laws passed that have poisoned public education.  It’s time we look at the damage and hold people responsible.  While both parties have had a hand in the reforms, the GOP has been the leader and they have to own it.  With low voter turnout, and uncontested elections, the Republican’s tight grip on the Statehouse will continue unless voters decide to stand up and make a change.  

It could take billions of dollars and decades to recover from the damage caused by these ideologues.  Let’s vote Pence, Behning and Kruse out of office.  Stop the poison.