Friday, April 24, 2015

We are “On” to Mike Pence and He Knows It


Mike and Teresa Kendall

            Virtually everyone is “on” to Indiana Governor Mike Pence after his pathetic performance over the disgusting debate, passage, retreat, and the “fix” of the State’s so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).  But Mike is also on to all of us.  He knows that we know he really did not want to “fix” the original bill and was forced, kicking and whining, to back the changes that were meant to quiet the critics rather than protect the ones that would be harmed by the law.
The Gov also knows that we know he and his political supporters really don’t want to do the right thing, but something that just looks good to the Right. We are on to this because the legislature didn’t repeal the “fixed” RFRA and pass a fix to the Civil Rights Act recognizing equal rights for LGBT people, families, and their children.  The Gov knows the we are on to the purpose of the March 26th  RFRA signing ceremony, complete with a cast that looked like something from a Star Trek Convention; a ceremony that was meant to sooth the fears of his Irreligious Right, and the backers of his discriminatory social agenda.
            So how do we know he knows we’re on to him?  Easy.  Mike announced on April 14th he had hired a New York PR and advertising firm, Peter Novelli, “to help rebuild the State’s image” in the wake of RFRA.  (Read rebuild Mike’s political image by hiding what was and is in his heart about the LGBT community.)  The Gov thinks that if we pay millions of tax dollars to repair his political image he can avoid doing the right thing, amending the state’s Civil Rights Act, and still please the “Star Trek Cast” he surrounds himself with at the Statehouse.
Instead we need to call on the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate to ask for and insist that the Gov call a special session of the Indiana General Assembly after this session ends.  The sole purpose of the Session would be to consider, debate vote on and pass legislation protecting Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgendered from discrimination.  They would be brought under the protection of the Civil Rights Act that already exists in Indiana to protect other persons and groups from discrimination because of racism national origin, gender age, or disability. 
There you go Legislature and Gov.  Fire Novelli.  Save two million of our dollars.  Help our people who are LGBT get justice and be protected from discrimination.  And, oh yes, do the right thing and in the process the national news will tell everyone in this nation what a good place we are and we are not cowards, hypocrites, and opportunists. 
Everybody but Mike and his political supporters are onto another thing.  “The times, they are a changin’.”  In fact, they changed.  The debate on whether LGBT community should be treated equally is over among people under 40, people with education, people in modern technology, people who aren’t convinced the world in about 900 years old, people who don’t have swastika’s tattooed on their arm or thigh, and every single business that doesn’t have a death wish.
It’s time for our political leaders to reflect who we are in Indiana.  It’s time to be who we want the rest of America to think we are, not waste $2M trying to market them into thinking what we are not. 

And it’s time to call a halt to the PR Plan for Pence; it’s not a plan for us or the LGBT community, but a plan to save Mike’s political career.  What the Gov doesn’t want to do is actually invite, serve, and dine with any LGBT person at the same table; he cannot charm his way out of this one.  We are on to you Mike Pence and you know it. 

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